mercredi 14 janvier 2015

Did Gandalf’s ring Narya preserve the Shire?

Throughout the books we find that Elrond and Galadriel both have rings (Nenya and Vilya respectively), but then later we find that Gandalf has Narya, the final of the three rings.

We see in the books as well that Rivendell and Lothlorien have weathered much of the decay surrounding them, because of the aid of the rings. That got me thinking about the Shire, it's very much portrayed as a "standing in time" place, much like Rivendell and Lothlorien.

So is it ever mentioned, or described in any extended appendix/tale; that the preserving of the Shire is because of Narya? I know Narya was a different ring in the way that it inspired people to hope, but did it have some of the power that the other two do? Is it ever mentioned in the books anywhere that this could be the reason for the Shire's beauty and tranquillity? I know Gandalf travelled a lot, but the Shire was one of his greatest loves, so this could be transferred from Narya?

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