samedi 7 mars 2015

Are there any hints indicating Snape's true allegiance in DH?

So, as the title says, does Rowling give us any hints about Snape's true allegiance in Deathly Hallows?

I am explicitly asking about DH, since in the other books we're not thinking of him as the ultimate antagonist, but rather annoying teacher of Harry's, that he has to cope with.

I'm talking about small details, that one would overlook when reading the book for the first time. One example I can think of is when Snape gives Ginny, Neville and Luna the punishment of going into the Dark Forest with Hagrid, for trying to steal the Gryffindor's sword. At first it was just a peculiar, but later it was revealed that Snape actually swore to defend Hogwarts students in Dumbledore's absence. Which makes sense, the alternative punishment would involve the Carrows for sure, and it would be much more severe.

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