jeudi 5 mars 2015

Has anyone ever tried to execute the Joker?

Everyone knows the eternal question, "Why doesn't Batman just kill the Joker?" Writers and fans have debated it for decades, and plenty of answers (believable and not) have been established that now we at least can accept the idea that Batman won't be the one to do it.

But I was recently reading the Endgame arc, and an interesting scene occurs:

This led me to wonder, has anyone other than Batman ever tried to kill the Joker? There have been plenty of opportunities where someone could, or at least could make an attempt. We, as the audience, know it probably wouldn't work, but if I was a security guard at Arkham with a taser and a dead sister, and the Joker was strapped to a gurney in front of me, I might give it a yeoman's try...

The Joker is no stranger to straight jackets and prison cells, handcuffs and restraints, any one of which would be an opening for someone to try to take him out. Hell, he spends months or years at a time in a single cell in a known location, it wouldn't be hard to track him down for capital punishment, or just a little personal revenge.

Has this ever happened in the comics? To be clear, I'm less interested in self-defense during a fight (like in the spoilers above), and more in deliberate choices to rid the world of this utter psychopath.

Has anyone ever tried to execute the Joker?

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