mercredi 4 mars 2015

Magic and Science in the Harry Potter Universe

I was struck with this question during a little reading with Harry Potter fanfiction.

Through my readings of both the original and the stories of fans it comes to my attention that if there is and has been muggle born wizards and witches why haven't those children who love science picked apart the wizarding community with questions involving the use of magic that (while doesn't necessarily defy them) disrupts the laws of physics and laws of nature?

Apperating is such a spell that would boggle the mind of a well-informed muggle born Ravenclaw fourth year, that wizards are effectively displacing space into a wormhole and appearing out the other end without using the energy of a sun or black hole to archive. Or Transfiguration would require more energy than the universe could give to change the entire molecular structure of the human within a instant and not over gradual time (Much like the Polyjuice potion).

I'm pretty sure any muggle born who had a love for Einstein would be looking at his or her Professor like she just smacked the good queen of England and pants her afterward, I'm pretty sure they would want a actual 'why are you almost breaking the rules of physics without killing everyone in a five mile radius because of radiation and science' and not the usual 'its magic I don't have to explain anything' sort of nonsense.

Please present your answers or arguments in a polite and well reasoned manner please.

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