jeudi 5 mars 2015

Newton’s axioms in Star Wars

Something I was wondering about: according to Newton’s 3rd law every action has its reaction. So, if I push something, I have to cope with the same force I am pushing it with acting on me, too.

But that should also apply when I am using the Force (I am pushing someone remotely), i.e. when I use the Force to throw or push something, the thing exerts a reaction.

Where does this force go? Onto the user? That would be impossible, especially when Yoda lifts the X-Wing out of the swamp (weight of the X-Wing >> assumed real (not Force-enhanced) strength of Yoda)?

Or are the Jedi using a supporting place where they can target the reaction of the moved object, i.e. guiding the reaction force to this place? In this case the Jedi would have to look first what their supporting place is, because if they are using something unstable it could happen that it collapses. Or (best explanation) did I simply miss something?

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