dimanche 8 mars 2015

What is the minimum amount of morphogenic enzyme required to store the consciousness and memories of a changeling?

In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, we learn that the changelings consist of a morphogenic enzyme, made from specialized macromolecules that give them their shapeshifting ability.

When changelings join the Great Link, they immerse themselves into a continuous pool of this enzyme. If a particular consciousness (that is, if a particular changeling) wishes to exit the Link, how much of the enzyme must leave the link with that consciousness?

Basis for question: Consciousness aside, information (i.e. the changeling's memory) requires physical storage space. From a hardware point of view, what is the minimum number of morphogenic molecules required to store or transport all of Odo's memories?

The natural second part of the question is:

As a changeling acquires further experiences and memories, does the minimum amount of morphogenic enzyme required to support its consciousness and memories (without data loss) increase accordingly?

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