vendredi 28 novembre 2014

How could Saruman lose the battle of Helm's Deep?

Saruman isn't stupid. In fact, he's called Saruman the Wise, so he must have known a thing or two about strategy. In the battle of Helm's Deep/Hornburk, according to this wiki, 10 000 Uruk-Hai, 5 000 Orcs and 5 000 Dunlendings fought against around 2 000 soldiers (who probably weren't even trained to fight in the siege). This looks like a lost battle to me, especially if we assume that this enormous battle of fierce Uruk-Hai were led by Saruman the Wise. How could he lose?

I'm reading the book in English, and it isn't my native language, so I might have misunderstood something simple. Could someone help me understand what's led to this crushing defeat of Isengard? At which point the tables have turned?

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