vendredi 27 mars 2015

What's the correct plural of Jedi and Sith?

Lots of times, I see people using "Jedis" and "Siths" (I also use that), but it doesn't feel right. Or, maybe, it's correct.

Is there official word on this? What's the correct plural of Jedi and Sith?

Widespread religions at the time of The Galactic Civil War

Were there any active, widespread, common, public religions in the Star Wars galaxy at the time of the rebel alliance? If so, what were they?

By widespread, I mean religions that span multiple systems, and aren't just tied to one specific world. All of the examples that I'm aware of are either small cults, or specifically tied to individual worlds. By common (and public) I mean that most educated/worldly people in the relevant sector(s) would have heard of the religion.

Note that, by this time, the Jedi are considered to be extinct, and the other explicitly Force based belief systems, including the Sith, are a combination of small-scale and secretive.

If there are so many, that this would turn into a list question, I really only care about the one (or two) most common religions that Outer Rim.

Did Dumbledore know that Ron would get lost?

Dumbledore left Ron the Deluminator, which turns out to be a way for Ron to find his friends after he runs away.

Did Dumbledore suspects such a case (so that's why he gave it to Ron)?

I remember reading something about this matter, possibly in the books.

Why did Skye use Honeycomb Room on Coulson's Bus?

In the last episode S02E14 of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Skye try to use Honeycomb Room on Coulson's Bus. Okay, the Honeycomb Room gives some confidence against aliens, but wasn't Skye's powers beyond comprehension? Talking about the confidence, in the episode S02E13, the same Honeycomb Room failed to contain Skye's powers. Then, why did Skye try to demolish precious Boeing Jet? And, why didn't anyone try to stop her?

Story about mankind being alone in the Milky Way galaxy

Many years ago I read a short story about mankind searching the galaxy, hoping to find intelligent non-human life. After many millenia, on the opposite side of the galaxy, they think they have finally found an alien species, who have been undertaking the same quest. Later, DNA analysis reveals that the supposed alien race are actually descended from humanity, but evolved differently while going the opposite way around the galaxy. They initially conclude that mankind is alone in the universe, but then turn to look at the Andromeda galaxy, and say something like "No, we are alone in this galaxy".

Anyone recognise this story?

can a lightsaber cut through adamantium

I now that adamantium is hard material where as lightsaver is also a cutting laser.

I want to ask that can a lightsaber cut through adamantium?

What was the content of the 20 million gigaquads uploaded to Voyager's computer in the episode entitled "Twisted?"

In Star Trek Voyager, Season 2, Episode 6, "Twisted" there is an alien life form that is trying to communicate with voyager through a distortion ring/energy field. At the end of the episode the alien communicates by uploading 20 million gigaquads of data to Voyager's computer. Is there any record of the actual contents of the data? Is any of it technology based? Do we ever learn in any novels or anything else canon anything about the content of the data or who the aliens were that deposited it?