mercredi 25 mars 2015

Looking for the title to this children's fantasy story

This was a children's book I read in 5th grade a long time ago. The story is about a jungle explorer making his way through many dangers.

The first danger was a plant that would grab your feet and rip you in half, but the explorer was wearing 2 pairs of boots and so slipped away. He then grabbed some sticks from a wrooshyr tree (i know, i remember THAT word but not the title). he then get's trapped by another beastie, but he escapes because it is allergic to the sticks. He then encounters a village of lazy people who eat anything they catch, so he runs away, into a village that where all they eat are ideas (they are going to kill the explorer until he eats an apple, this scares the villagers into thinking he will try to eat them).

One other thing he defeats is a group monster. They walk in a line, and have only one eye, in the belly of the last monster. All the others monsters have a hole in the middle so the eye can see. even around corners.

This is a really trippy book, and the illustrations are really colorful.

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