jeudi 26 mars 2015

Is Gandalf's origin discussed in the books but just excluded from the movies?

Solely from reading questions and answers here, I've learned a lot about the lore of Middle Earth lore, mainly to do with Maia, Valinor, Aman, Eldar, etc...

According to this answer, Gandalf is a 11,000+ year old spirit that came from Valinor to Middle Earth to help mankind fight against Sauron.

As someone who's only seen the movies and not read the books, I just assumed Gandalf was a 60ish year old wizard. I don't think his origin is mentioned in the movies, maybe when he dies and comes back as Gandalf The White, it's suggested he's more than just a regular wizard, but I definitely never got the impression he was an ancient spirit.

Is the fact Gandalf is an ancient spirit from Valinor ever mentioned in the LOTR trilogy or The Hobbit novels and is just excluded from the movies?

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