mardi 24 mars 2015

How did Yoda counter Count Dooku's Force lightning?

In the scene where Master Yoda fights Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus on Geonosis in Episode II, Dooku uses Force lightning on Yoda.

Here's a clip of the relevant scene. The lightning starts around 3:22

In a recent question, it came up in the comments that this was an Disney canon example of absorption/tutaminis.

It looks like the energy of the first bolt is concentrated and redirected. The second assault shows the arcs of lightning shooting off away from Yoda before striking him, and then dissipating.

I would like a Disney canon only explanation of this mechanic. In what way is Yoda using the Force to counter Tyranus's attack?

If it's proven to be absorption of some sort, how is it explained that Yoda then "cast" a Dark side Force ability?

If there are no canon sources on this particular scene, then a similar scene in the The Clone Wars or Rebels animated shows, if such a scene exists, that sheds light on what happened would be acceptable. Preferably, it would still be with Yoda, but the attacking Sith is irrelevant to me.

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