jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Has Hulk ever been defeated by a normal person with limited weaponry?

I am a fan of the Marvel universe but don't follow much of its comics. So please spare my ignorance.

Just to elaborate what I am asking, let's take Hawkeye as our subject. Hawkeye doesn't have super powers. He has been trained to achieve an extreme level of accuracy, timing and precision. He relies on weapons like bow and arrow, guns and melee weapons. These weapons have limited power, range and ammunition. These weapons can be upgraded to amplify the effects, but still they won't match power of Iron Man's weapons.

Now what I want to know is has Hawkeye, or any other character from the Marvel universe without super powers, a normal human, defeated Hulk?


  1. Hulk must not be in Bruce Banner form.

  2. Characters like Iron Man and Falcon don’t count. Though they are normal humans, they have extremely high-tech weaponry to assist them. (Yes, Hawkeye too has sophisticated/modified arrows. But they still have limitations and Hawkeye has to rely on raw skills to use them.)

  3. Specified character was not under the influence of power-enhancing materials, power-altering commands, enchantments or any other sort of power enhancing mechanism.

  4. Hulk was not be under any material, power altering command, enchantment or any other sort of mechanism that suppresses his powers.

  5. Specified character must have fought alone without any assistance. (Examples: a) Thor has already beaten shit out of Hulk and then Hawkeye comes to deliver the last shot; b) while in a fight, Thor comes in to distract Hulk so that Hawkeye can attack from behind.)

  6. Specified character received assistance from another character who didn't have a superpower, but again didn't have extremely awesome weapons to assist. (Example: Black Widow).

  7. Hulk was unaware of specified character's presence. Specified character took Hulk by surprise.

  8. Use of tranquilizers or similar weapons which can put Hulk to sleep or render him unconscious, paralyzed or unable to act are not considered.

  9. Hulk must not have run away from the fight because his opponent is not of his match.

  10. (w.r.t. point no. 6) An army of normal humans will not be considered. Neither will be the situation where a single human calls in a S.H.I.E.L.D.-like agency for assistance be considered.

  11. Bruce Banner's love interest or S.O. was not brought between the fighters to get Hulk to calm down.

Has any such event occurred ever in the Marvel universe where a normal human has defeated Hulk?

And aside from just Hulk being defeated by a normal human, any other incident where a powerful superhero/villain like Groot, Thanos or Ultron have been defeated by a normal human would be interesting.

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