jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Novel about a spacefaring mission trying to reestablish contact with Earth

Looking for a novel I read in the early 90s; came from a local library so it may be quite a bit older. Might've been a YA novel, as it was in the same shelf as a bunch of William Sleator novels. All my memory detailed below.

  • A spacefaring civilization sends a mission to re-establish contact and possible trade with Earth; they had been in the first stages when WW3 or some other apocalypse began.

  • The leader of the mission is a younger woman, humanoid, remember something green about her but can't remember what exactly. The core team is small, maybe 3 or 4 people, but they have a full ship as support

  • Earth has largely recovered and is covered by a lot of wilderness. Humanity is around but what's left is at some tribal, some pre-industrial levels, no big cities. They establish contact with one of the bigger centers, and find a bunch of radios oddly used as cult objects

  • Buncha aliens show up, the ship bugs out because they got caught flatfooted and don't recognize them. Core team is left on their own with a bunch of half-built bases, but still have shuttles, supplies, bits of tech, but mostly shields that can stop anything

  • The aliens had arranged the radios for easy collecting of humans, so they can enslave them for use in some sort of farm (the animal they were farming was really odd, something about fabric?), for which Earth is ideal apparently, strongly implied they pulled strings to cause the fall of man in the first place

  • Aliens set up their farms, guerilla war and much sneakiness ensues, their mothership is brought down by the woman sneaking onboard but she only barely survives the crash due to shield tech, and ends up setting herself up in control of Earth thru a fair bit of ballsy and toying with both the aliens that are left and the egos of her commanders that lamely arrive late to “rescue” her

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