dimanche 28 décembre 2014

Video Rental System

The catalogue of a video rental store contains necessary details and information of each recording. Every recording is a recording of some film or songs. Comedies, Dramas, Romances, Science Fiction, and Thrillers are types or genres of films. A film has a title, a short description, a director, a rating. The rating of each recording can be given on its video quality, cast, sound quality, plot, story and overall score out of 5 stars. The movies also comprise of characters where each character has a name and an actor who plays the character. Actors, directors, and customers are persons. A person has a name. Customers also have an ID number, a telephone number, and a rental history. Finally, the system must allow the video rental system owner to add new movies, manage the movies and manage the rental history. It should also maintain a catalogue of movies and help the customers to search for movies and songs, and also to rent the recording of video. For purpose of understating video rentals you can refer to http://store.cineplex.com/store/guidedsearch or similar websites.do it using object oriented programming.

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