jeudi 15 janvier 2015

Are Jedi required to abstain from all sexual relations, or only from the ones involving emotional attachments?

We know that Jedi aren't supposed to have a family, because the emotional attachments cause bad dialog, wooden acting and acute case of turning into a Sith.

But are pre-Empire Jedi, as @Richard put in a recent comment, required to be celibate, which technically speaking means no sexual relations of any kind, even ones that don't involve emotional attachment?


- This is only regarding Jedi Order as it existed in the recent period prior to the fall of the Republic in ROTS and creation of the Galactic Empire. If Luke's NJO or Old Republic Jedi rules were different, it may be a good addition to the answer, but without the data for the pre-Empire period, it won't really answer what I'm after.

- Answer may be sourced from any canon (Disney, or pre-Disney G- to C-).

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