jeudi 15 janvier 2015

How does individuality help the Strangers survive?

Just watched Dark City. The Strangers are dying out, so they need to experiment on humans to find out what makes them individuals and not collectively minded like themselves. Is there any word out there as to why? That is, how does individuality help them survive? Seems like the Borg are doing just fine :)

  • Actually, there's some individuality among the strangers. As Mr. Book says - "If Mr. Hand wishes to make this sacrifice for the greater good, so be it." Clearly not something a true hive-mind creature would say - or even make sense of. Plus they occasionally disagree, and have the ability not to share information with each other.

Anyway - anyone have some idea? As with many cult classics, there might be some canon. So far I had trouble finding anything concrete.

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