jeudi 15 janvier 2015

Kids sci-fi story, probably in the late 80's/early 90's, boy plays a arcade game that is actually a test by ailens

And before anyone says it, no, I'm not talking about the Last Starfighter. But it is a fair amount like that.

All I remember is the beginning, which goes something like this. -Boy finds an arcade game at some restaurant or something he visits. -He learns that you basically automatically lose the game when you press a button that fires your weapon, since a bunch of other ships will show up and destroy you. -It turns out some aliens are using the arcade game to find a new pilot (may have lost theirs). -The no-weapons rule was because if you shot at other ships some equivalent of the space police would show up and arrest or destroy you. -Protagonist maintains the best score for a while, and the aliens reveal themselves after he beats the game.

No clue what happens after that. It may have had pictures, but I could be remembering incorrectly.

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