mercredi 10 décembre 2014

Sound effect in "Cause and Effect"

This video shows a couple of the sequences in ST:TNG "Cause and Effect" where the Bozeman approaches the Enterprise.

At 1:03 in the video, Geordi initiates an emergency core shutdown.

At 1:15, you can hear a "pew pew... pew pew... pew pew..." sound effect for the first time. At that point, Data says that the core shutdown was unsuccessful and that they are losing antimatter containment. Geordi says they have to eject the core, but Data responds that ejection systems are offline and a core breach is imminent.

I thought that the "pew pew" alarm was to indicate that a warp core breach was imminent. Surely the computer knew that was the case after the core shutdown failed, so it sounded that alarm.

But then at 2:04 in the video, Worf engages the tractor beam and you can hear the same "pew pew" sound effect. Is that an alert heard by people on the bridge whenever they engage the tractor beam? If so, then why did we hear the same sound effect at 1:15?

Or do the "warp core breach is imminent" alarm and the "tractor beam engagement" alert share the same sound effect? I would hope that something as serious as a warp core breach would have a unique alarm.

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