jeudi 11 décembre 2014

What would you think is the T-1000's actual form?

Watching Terminator 2 Judgement Day on the Syfy channel, I had come to think about what exactly the T-1000 would look like. We know Arnold's physical characteristics were made to mask the terminator, infilitration endoskeleton. What in the world would the T-1000 look like, if not masked by Robert Patrick's attributes?

When I was younger, I tried to make sense of this, going by the last part. This was where the T-1000 was boiling down in the molten metal and kind of re-living all its forms. It gets to a part where there is a blob of multiple heads. You think the T-1000's default form would just be a blob mass if it never touched anything?

Things to think about to arrive at an answer, should you need it: In Universal studios, there were tons of these liquid like Terminators that crawled like spiders. I am not sure if all the fans here had seen that promotional tribute. You think the T-1000, at ever a time, was a spider looking thing, crawling on all fours?

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