lundi 2 mars 2015

Did the dwarves in The Hobbit carry non-magical weapons before they got to The Lonely Mountain?

In Tolkien's book The Hobbit, is there any direct indication that the dwarves carried or used any weapons such as swords or axes before they found Orcrist, Glamdring and Sting? Or for that matter, at any point before they got to The Lonely Mountain?

I've read the book a few times, the last time a few years ago, and I don't remember there being any mention of them carrying or using ordinary weapons at all. I think maybe (?) use of a bow for hunting is mentioned once. When fighting the goblins, the only weapons I remember reading about were the magic ones they just found.

When they do armor up at The Lonely Mountain, it does get some description.

I remember thinking this was a little bit unexpected and notable (one might think they'd bring at least a few weapons for self-defense), but my reading was it was intentional and indicated that they really didn't carry any hand weapons. It actually seemed to also nicely make some sense in that they were also more likely to pass as humble non-threatening travelers and they seemed competent (or overconfident) enough to possibly not need them.

I think I probably would have noticed the last couple times I read it, but it occurs to me I could be wrong, and that there are some mighty Tolkien experts here, so I figured it was worth asking.

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